AWHT March Easter Blog

Today I am participating in a blog hop along with the super talented ladies in the Art With Heart Team. We thought it would be fun to share some Easter projects, seeing as Easter is only about 3 weeks away! Saleabration is a great time to join or place a $90 order to get extra free items – ask me how! Blog Hops are full circles, so you can start hopping here and then at the end of each post is a link to the next one. There is also a list of participants at the end in case of any broken link! Today I wanted an Easter card I made using the balloon punch and cookie cutter punch to make an Easter bunny. You can create many different animals with the cookie cutter punch. If you find a broken link or have come to this blog hop from a different entry point, you can view the participants below: 1. Judy May 2. Catherine Proctor 3. Ros Davidson 4. Rebecca Jacovou 5. Kathryn Mangelsdorf 6. ...